Tuesday, April 4, 2017

3 April 2017 Week 41

Bonswa! Keejon ou ye?
    To top of this week with success, I want to reflect a little bit on general conference. A lot of the talks focused on the atonement and reality of Jesus Christ and on the plan of Happiness-AKA the plan of Salvation.  
    I really gathered a lot of revelation listening to the words of our general authorities, and living prophet Thomas S. Monson. Some things that really stuck out to me from Elder Holland: I like when he related the song to life. "There will be some songs in this life that we can't sing or won't ever be able to sing. We all will have the chance to join this eternal choir and the invitation is to come as you are, but don't plan to stay as you are!"
    I especially loved when Gary B Sabin was talking about being all in. I love when he said, " when we are partially in, and not all in there is as Star Wars would quote a disturbance in the force. When we are all in we stand up on the inside." I can bear my testimony that we need to stand up inside. Who are you going to be around outside influences?
    Jesus once said- "Be of good cheer, for I have overcome the world." We are in a private personal combat with our physical self and temporal self! I especially loved when David A Bednar talked about the difference between called to serve/assigned to labor. We are called to the work, not the place. I know that this is the work of the lord. I know that God purpose is to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man. And this is his Goal. And his plan is the plan of Happiness. I truly can bear witness of the reality and love for gods plan. I know life didn't begin here at birth and I know it doesn't end at death. I know Jesus Christ over came death, and so will we. 
    I am super excited for this Easter season. The new Easter initiative that will be going on is incredible. I know Jesus Christ is the Prince of peace. I know he is king of kings. I'm happy I get to participate in this season. I am truly grateful for my prince of peace. We need to have a perfect brightness of hope as did that father who would love watching BYU football but only would if they won. He was so grateful for a VCR. I know Christ gives us a perfect brightness of hope. I testify that God lives. Jesus Christ is his son. And the atonement is real. I know God has a plan for us. And we will return to live with him again. I know some songs we will not be able to sing here, but we will rejoice when we sing in the heavenly choir. This is the lords work. We are called to the work, and not to the place. Jesus is the light the life and the way. He is the prince of peace. May we reflect on him the Easter season. In the name of Jezikri (Jesus Christ) amen.

-Elder Gibbons-

Keep Trying. Keep Pushing. Keep Believing. Keep Growing. Heaven is Cheering You on Today, Tomorrow, and Forever.

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