Monday, May 21, 2018

21 May 2018 WEEK 100!!!!

     So the first week in Ocho Rios was a little harder then expected. Elder Boyer and I are currently white washing and starting from scratch. But nothing compares to love the I have for Elder Boyer. We have been so unified and literally on the same page about everything. As a district we have a vision for the branch. We are going to set the example and tone for members by ministering to our fellow brother and sisters. We are all excited to do this, and The brethren of the elders quorum are excited as well. 

     After Jesus was crucified, was resurrected, and appeared to his Apostles several times, his Apostles were still not committed. Jesus had made it clear what he wanted them to do. He taught them for 3 years. That must have been a whirlwind of an experience; being taught at Jesus’ feet, witnessing miracles, being given power to perform their own miracles. Yet, when it was all over, Peter said to his companions, “I go a fishing”. His companions followed him. Peter was ready to step back into the world he knew. He knew his boat, its oars. He knew his nets; he knew fish. 
As he and his companions spent a fruitless night fishing on the Sea of Galilee, a man beckoned them from the shore. “Children, have ye any meat?”, he asked, knowing full well that they had not caught a single fish all night. “Cast the net on the right side of the ship and ye shall find,” were his simple directions. Peter and his companions threw the net onto the right side of the boat. Immediately the net was full, so full that they could not pull it into the boat. So full that it was a miracle that the net did not break. They dragged the net ashore and counted 153 “great fishes”. There is so much symbolism in this story up to this point, that many lessons could be taught from it. 
But the most important lesson has yet to be taught. As the Apostles make it to shore, and see that it is their Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, I’m sure they were full of wonderment, and perhaps a little guilt. But Jesus had cooked them breakfast, so they sat around the campfire, enjoying a meal cooked by their Savior. But now the real teaching begins; teaching with inspired questions. “Simon, son of Jonas, lovest thou me more than these?” I can imagine Jesus making a sweeping gesture with his hand, taking in the 153 great fishes, the boat, the oars, the net; everything that was the totality of Peter’s prior life. “Yea Lord, thou knowest that I love thee,” was Peter’s earnest reply. “Feed my lambs”, was the Savior’s simple response. Twice more, the Savior asked Peter the same question and offered the same response to Peter’s answer. Peter was a little sensitive about threes at this time, so being asked the same question three times must have cut him to the core. 

-Elder Gibbons-

Keep Trying. Keep Pushing. Keep Believing. Keep Growing. Heaven is Cheering You on Today, Tomorrow, and Forever.

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