To move forward, we have been blessed in a variety of different ways this week. As Elder Johansen and I have taken the advice to basically pretend to be like Jesus Christ, the lord has provided us with so many tender mercies. One of which came through a member referral. We were introduced to a man by the name of gabriel. We have had a couple lessons with him, and it was really interactive. We have been teaching more with the scriptures, and as well as asking them questions. We came by one day and Gabriel expressed to us that he wanted to be baptized. So we put him on date for the 9th of September.
We have been doing as you counseled us and are really trying to do more teaching then finding. We have been looking for opportunities to strengthen members, recent converts, less-active members, ect... We have really been focusing on their conversion with the book of mormon. We invited and challenged them to read one chapter of the book of mormon every night. We know that as they do this they will regain a witness of the authenticity of the book. We have been working with the low hanging fruit along the lines of less active members.
We do have a situation involving a young man who just turned the age of 8 years old. The family is members of the church, but the mom will not allow this young man by the name of benjie to receive baptism. We really do not know what to do... Would you be willing to maybe give us some insight on how we could help her let him be baptized? He really wants to and has a strong testimony of Jesus Christ, the mother just does not believe that he is ready... How can we help?
As we have gone throughout the week, I shared with the members of our district, at district meeting, the importance of the Book of Mormon. I have never thought the book of mormon to be so important in my life then I did this week. Everything that we will ever teach revolves around whether or not the book of mormon is true and testifies of Christs Divinity. My personal testimony of the book of mormon has grown this last week, as I have been able to not only read, but to question God of its truthfulness. We have been working so hard to help our investigators, less-active members, and recent converts, gain that divine witness for them self.
I encourage you all this week to reflect on your personal study of the Book of Mormon? When was the last time I read? How did I feel? How can I make time? these are only but a small portion of questions to think about. My invitation is for all of you to strengthen your testimony of the Book of mormon by reading at the minimum of one chapter every morning night or whenever every day! I can promise you that your faith will never be tossed if you will read the book of mormon everday.